Logo Project Skills and Compentencies

Project image: © Edgar Moran on Unsplash

Skills and Competencies for the Digital Transformation of the Legal Sector

Why We Do It

The “Skill and Competencies for the Digital Transformation of the Legal Sector” project is a proactive response to the evolving dynamics of the legal industry, characterized by the proliferation of digital roles and titles without a standardized framework. The absence of a community standard hinders the understanding of these roles, their expected deliverables, and the requisite skills, especially within traditional organizational structures. This project aims to bridge this gap by establishing standards for skills and competencies, defining tasks for both in-house and consultant roles, and delineating profiles for emerging positions such as Legal Scrum Master or Legal Process Owner. Beyond demystifying buzzwords, the initiative seeks to provide practical insights into the existence and requirements of these roles, enabling professionals to navigate the digital transformation landscape effectively.

Matthias Bosbach

Bernhard Waltl

How We Do It

The project takes a comprehensive approach to unraveling the intricacies of digital roles in the legal sector. Through interviews with leading professionals holding transformation roles, the initiative analyzes the tasks and deliverables associated with each position. This empirical approach allows for a practical understanding of the skills required for successful execution. The insights gained from these analyses are then shared within the community, creating a valuable knowledge-sharing hub.

Going beyond theoretical discussions, the project envisions creating a community of professionals, facilitating secondments and trainee programs, preparing for next-gen recruitment, identifying necessary skills, and collaborating with educational institutions to set standards for legal education. By providing concrete examples and case studies, the initiative aims to equip the legal community with the knowledge needed to navigate the evolving landscape of digital transformation in the legal sector.