LLI and Hasso Plattner Institute Survey: Collaboration within the legal market?​

A design thinking project with the Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam

This project is about collaboration within the legal market. Together with Hasso Plattner Institute students, we recently conducted deep user research on the lack of interdisciplinary collaboration amongst lawyers. Feel free to contact us to access the insights and studies!

Astrid Kohlmeier

The Goal

Once it was Kodak, the leading brand in photography, that failed to make the leap into digitization. The company therefore recorded high losses. Now this is also threatening lawyers who refuse to digitize. This is because clients expect faster and more precise legal services that align with digital developments. 

The Liquid Legal Institute believes in paving the way for the digitization of the legal world through standardization and collaboration. We are therefore establishing a software platform through which our community can jointly create, use and apply uniform legal standards.    


To reach this goal, we must identify interest groups. Then, we must understand and interpret their perspectives and relevant needs. Therefore, we collaborated with a working group of the Design Thinking School, which belongs to the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. 

The Challenge

We provided the Hasso Plattner Institute’s with a design thinking challenge. This was to  “help the Liquid Legal Institute to build an open source community to start the collaborative development of new digital legal standards based on the needs and requirements of key stakeholders of the legal industry.” 

The Method

Design thinking is a systematic approach to complex problems in which the users wishes and needs as well as user-oriented invention are at the center of the process.  Using different techniques and processes, design thinkers put themselves in the position of potential users and try to perceive, recognize and analyze their problems and needs. 

From its inception, the Liquid Legal Institute has always recognized the importance of design thinking.